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A strong partnership

In 2007, when Future Proof began, our mandate was to primarily address issues around land-use and infrastructure, particularly transport and to plan for the wider impacts of growth.

Those fundamentals have not changed but as the environment around us has, our work and our relationships have changed with it.

In 2019, Future Proof formally welcomed Central Government to our existing partnership. By then, the work of Future Proof had been recognised nationally by policy and decision-makers and was considered integral to the managed growth of our wider sub-region.

In recent years, our mandate has expanded to focus on other key areas including housing, economic development, climate change and integration of land-use and transport connections between Hamilton and Auckland (H2A) and Hamilton and Tauranga.

Future Proof partners are


Ngā Karu Atua o te Waka


Tainui Waka Alliance

Mana Whenua Kaitiaki Forum (in relation to the Hamilton-Auckland corridor)

Our sub region

The Future Proof sub-region sits within the Waikato Region and includes the territorial authorities of Hamilton City Council, Matamata Piako District Council, Waipā District Council and Waikato District Council.

Our leaders

Future Proof is governed by the Future Proof Implementation Committee. The Committee is made up of two elected members from each partner council and three representatives nominated by tangata whenua - one from the Tainui Waka Alliance, one from Waikato-Tainui and one from Ngā Karu Atua o te Waka.

The Committee has additional representation from the New Zealand Transport Agency and the Waikato District Health Board.

Find out more here

A look back at 2024

In November 2024, Future Proof released its first Annual Report. The Annual Report provides an overview of where Future Proof came from, why it was established, and who’s involved.

Through successful collaboration, Future Proof had an extremely productive and positive year. The Annual Report outlines some of the key achievements and outcomes that have been achieved and provides an insight into the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead of us.