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Our strategic direction

Future Proof has a number of strategies and plans that guide how we grow and develop in our sub-region.

Image of a caving

Future Proof Strategy

The Future Proof Strategy is a 30 year growth management and implementation plan for the Hamilton, Waipā, Waikato and Matamata-Piako sub-region.

The Strategy was updated in 2024 and is essential to managing growth in a staged and co-ordinated way while addressing complex planning issues. The Strategy incorporates seven transformational moves for change:   

  1. Iwi aspirations
  2. Waikato River at the heart
  3. A comprehensive and fundamental evolution of our transport system
  4. A vibrant metro core and lively metropolitan centres
  5. A strong and productive economic corridor
  6. Thriving communities and neighbourhoods
  7. Water wise and water sensitive communities.

This is the fourth strategy developed under the Future Proof banner which helps guide key planning decisions across the sub-region. The strategy was last reviewed in 2022 but a further review was required to ensure the Strategy incorporates new regulatory and policy requirements including the National Policy Statement on Urban Development.

What has changed?

As well as including Matamata-Piako and updating the Strategy to reflect changes in legislation and policy, the 2024 Strategy was updated to:

  • reflect the work that has progressed on waters, transport and climate change
  • identify the critical infrastructure required to enable the development planned for under the Strategy
  • reflect the updated Housing and Business Development Capacity Assessments.


Read the 2024 Future Proof Strategy

Putting the Strategy into action - Implementation Plan

We have enough planned development capacity for residential land however the industrial land picture is not so clear at this point so more time is needed to work out the needs of the sub-region and how best to respond.

Minor changes have been made to the settlement pattern in the 2024 Future Proof Strategy to align with recent changes to district plans.

We recognise the settlement pattern within the Strategy needs to evolve to continue to provide for the growth of the subregion, especially industrial and economic growth. Further information on infrastructure costs and the benefits of different alternative locations being proposed by developers is required before making any decisions which will deliver the best outcomes for the entire sub-region.

To achieve this, we have identified further work which will be undertaken over the next two to three years. This work will be included in the Implementation Plan. The Strategy also identifies critical infrastructure required to enable the settlement pattern and the implementation plan will track how that infrastructure is delivered.

The Implementation Plan will be adopted in September this year, once local government partners have completed their long-term plan processes and there is further clarity on a number of central government initiatives.

The Implementation Plan will be published on this site once adopted and from there will be updated annually.

The Hamilton to Auckland (H2A) Corridor Plan

The H2A Corridor Plan provides a framework to support sustainable growth and increase connectivity between Hamilton and Auckland.

This is being achieved by:
  • improving housing affordability and choices
  • enhancing the quality of the natural and built environments and the vitality of Auckland and Hamilton and the communities within the corridor
  • improving access to employment, public services and amenities
  • creating employment opportunities in the corridor
  • piloting new finance and funding tools to pay for infrastructure
  • trialling new urban planning tools to coordinate growth development.

The plan is an example of innovative, joined-up thinking between a number of authorities and is supported by a number of work programmes that bring the Plan to life.

Read more about the Hamilton to Auckland Corridor Plan

Hamilton-Waikato Metropolitan Spatial Plan

The Hamilton-Waikato Metropolitan Plan (Metro Spatial Plan) is one of the initiatives being delivered as part of the broader Hamilton to Auckland Corridor Plan.

The Plan takes a closer look at the Hamilton-Waikato metro area and aims to create a metro area where our people can easily access employment, education and health facilities, serviced by reliable and efficient transport connections and great places.

Read more about the Metro Spatial Plan

Three Waters Strategy

The Future Proof partners developed a Sub-Regional Three Waters Strategy in 2012 to set out the vision for how water, wastewater and stormwater will be managed over a 50 year period.

A review of the Strategy will take place this year. This review will take a fresh look at what the sub region’s future water needs are and how water services should be provided to best meet these needs.

Read more about the Three Waters Strategy