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Waikato Three Waters Study

The Future Proof partners developed a Sub-Regional Three Waters Strategy in 2012 to set out how water, wastewater and stormwater will be managed over a 50 year period. Building on the direction of Future Proof, the Three Waters Strategy sets a long term strategic vision for three waters in the sub-region.

The vision of the Three Waters Strategy is:

The delivery of integrated, sustainable and well managed three waters services for the sub-region which ensures the cultural, social and economic needs of the community are met and the quality of the Waikato River is improved. 

The following nine strategic issues have been identified in the Strategy:

  1. Ensuring the protection and improvement of public health and safety, and providing appropriate water sanitary services and hazard management practices.
  2. Meeting future anticipated and planned for growth demands.
  3. Planning for and adapting to climate change.
  4. Ensuring that decisions relating to the three waters are underpinned by best practice, research and knowledge.
  5. Ensuring quality, efficient and sustainable infrastructure.
  6. The need for integration of relevant council functions, inter-council departments, the three waters, and land use and water planning and management. 
  7. The availability and allocation of water.
  8. Ensuring that iwi and hapu are involved in the management of three waters and tangata whenua values, aspirations and interests are identified and reflected.
  9. Ensuring protection and where possible the enhancement of the natural environment

The strategy

The Strategy will be updated in the near future to align with the outcomes of the Hamilton to Auckland Corridor Plan.


Read the Sub-Regional Three Waters Strategy

The Action Plan

An Action Plan has also been developed to set out how the Three Waters Strategy will be implemented. The Action Plan is monitored by the Future Proof partners to see how the actions are progressing.


Read the Action Plan [PDF, 1002 KB]